Age recommendation:
from 8 years old
if not accompanied by a grown-up
from 3 years old
if accompanied by a grown-up

For parents:
Distance to coffee counter:
approx. 100m
The Kurpfalz Coaster with a course length of over 600m, a top speed of approx. 40 km/h, spectacular jumps with height variations of up to 4m, and a 360° loop before the finish, an exciting and varied ride awaits you.
The toboggan run will of course be retained in addition to the Coaster. Thanks to the perfect location the two courses intersect, creating an "action-packed" atmosphere.
The Coaster can also be used when it's raining, meaning that visitors can still enjoy rides even on wet days. The Kurpfalz Coaster is a fun ride for both children and grown-ups.